Miss Nardaniye
Miss Nardaniye
Once upon a time. Once upon a time, in the straw straw… A bugger
There was. This one has a precious daughter, about twelve, thirteen. Her mother's dead.
His father said, I m Who should I take, who should I? Her teacher:
"My daughter tell your father to take me, I will look at you like this, I will look like this ..." he said. Girl
also came home:
“Father, if you will, take my teacher. I don't want anybody else..
Adam All right, Adam Adam says. It takes this woman.
A time passes, the woman begins to envy her stepdaughter. No matter what I do
I get away somehow? he thought. One day, it was a feast day, everyone was going for a ride.
The woman begs her husband:
“This is a girl, young; let go, have a moment of fun, ”he says. The man agrees. Woman
Upon this:
“Girl, she says, you go, I'll bring your food behind you.”
The girl goes, laughs and plays with her friends in the country… Now she's hungry, her mother
Anyway, after a while the woman comes. Turns out, there's a salty poison at home.
bull He poured water in a jug and put a snake in it…
place. He'll shut up soon. drinks jug, ice-cold water, swallows the snake, no news
The girl's condition changes, her belly swells day by day. Woman shows midwives. She says to her husband
“Oh, hell, that day I didn't listen to you, I sent her out to the countryside. I suppose
someone has fallen, conceived… ”
The man was very honest. This is hard work. He loved his daughter. Night
escapes their sleep. She couldn't take her daughter's face, beat her, or swear her. One day, no more
Unable to bear, daughter:
“Come on, I'll take you for a ride,” he says. Takes you to the top of a mountain. There under a tree
They sit.
“Girl, you're tired I'll tell you my lullaby on my knee, sleep, uyu she says.
Girl lies on her father's knee. When his father sings, when he sings, he sleeps. The man is a
puts a bee into the reed, hangs on the bedside of the girl, leaves goes. Bee buzzes in the reed
she thought her father was singing a lullaby… Finally she gets a good night's sleep, wakes up and looks at her.
a bee buzzing at his bedside, his father gone… He started to cry:
“Oh, what about me? he beats, his belly enlarged, lumbar lumbar
He would have. “All of this is the trap of my stepmother” ”says the girl, surprised what she will do, starts
Down the mountain… A creek reaches the edge. Let me take an ablution over here, and seek refuge in Allah.
Let's see what Allah shows. ” To come to the creek
He answered,… What should he see?
She's light, refreshed. But at the top of the mountain, he's all alone…
think goes a way, goes and goes
Things are starting to dark… He sees a light in the distance:
they receive, ”he says. Arrives at that light house, knocks on the door. They opened. It turns out that the Forty-Thieves
house. Thieves who saw this:
“Girl, what are you doing here? They say. The girl tells what happened.
“Oh, he says, my father left me on the mountain like this. For God's sake, let me in,
take refuge, make a guest tonight. ”
Forty Thieves look at a girl like the beautiful world, she cannot be looked at in her face…
they say:
“You sit there, we'll think about it.”
Forty, they enter a room, they start to negotiate.
If one of us would, one would; one of us would like one
otherwise we can not. Let's make it forty brothers and sisters.. Revenue:
“Girl, they say, you become our world afterlife brother. We'll get you cook. Sit down, enjoy
Okay, ”she says. Now they love their brothers so much, they love it so much,
They can't put dust on it. He loved them too…
Let us sit in the house of the forty-thieves… Let us come to motherhood…
Moon was born, fifteen of the month… Woman came across the moon…
I m Bear, bear,
Are you beautiful or me beautiful?
The moon says:
“What you beautiful, what I beautiful,
Not necessarily Nardaniye .
(The girl's name was Nardaniye …) The woman who heard this.
V Alas, he says, the bitch is not dead. This isn't a secret, it's revealed. What do I do now?
She goes to her husband right away. “Oh, my husband, he says, where did you leave our baby?
He went into my dream… Is he hungry or thirsty? Let me call.
And that day of the bugger, today, two fountains, two fountains, melted from the trouble of his daughter finished,
He pulled his hand away from the world ir He rejoices this thought of his wife. Going to woman
shows the mountain left.
Woman buys a basket of cherries, poison them all. Wears a handle on the basket. What her husband showed
walks down from the ground. He goes, he goes, he sees a house away. “Definitely took refuge in here,”
he says. But he put himself in another dress: he was wearing a ferace, with one eye open and the other covered…
He walks home… The girl is finished, I come, I sell cherries, cherries… “.
And the girl:
I m Let me have cherries and sit in front of the window, ”he says.
Take it out, buy half an okka cherry… She sits in front of the window and eats her cherries
Above his window were forty birds, in a cage, having fun with them. Birds begin:
“Sweet, sweet, sweet” eye to ask for cherries. I'll give him one, say one in the basket.
Cherry ends. There's not one left. And the girl who eats cherries dies and eats
He dies He sits in front of the window, two fountains cry his eyes, the girl. Not much birds
… Evening happens, his brothers come.
“What are you crying, brother,” they say.
“Oh, my birds are dead… The cherry was passing by, I picked it up, I gave it to the birds. They all died."
“Thank you, brother, we will bring you more beautiful, they say. Never again through the door
… What if you were dead?
The next day they bring forty birds from their predecessors and put them in cages.
Then one month passes, the new moon rises. Maternity comes across the moon:
Im Bear, bear,
Is it you or me? Ed.
And the month:
“What you beautiful, what I beautiful,
Not necessarily Nardaniye , ”he answers.
“Oh, bitch girl, not dead” ”she goes this time and buys a piece of paper gum. gum
Poisons. He arrives again in front of the house of the Thieves: ım I sell gum, I sell gum ””
To pass. The girl says to herself: “This is not something to eat,… she says,… I'll take it. Indan
chewing gum, birds begin to sing again: "Chick, chick, chick, me, me ...". The girl says:
“Wait, let me chew it up.”
Throws chewing gum in his mouth, one or two chewing, falls to where it is laid.
In the evening, the brothers come and see that the girl is laying.
V Alas, our brother is dead. How can we endure the pain of it. How to bury
to the land? ağ They make a coffin. They put the girl in it. Wherever they go,
They carried this coffin.
One day, the son of a sultan came across them… He said:
It's a shame to ask, no matter how many times I've met you, I've always seen a coffin. This
why do you carry it like this? ”
“Oh, don't ask, they say Forty-Thieves, we are forty brothers, we had only one sister. HE IS
Our sister is dead. We can't bury it. We carry it like this. ”
Then the prince said:
"Can you give me this coffin?"
We will, but you can bury it. ”
On my honour I promise not to bury it. Until I die in my own room
I will,, he says. Forty-Thieves give coffins.
The prince takes this deposit and puts it in his room. But it does. And he opens it, what?
A beautiful girl. It turns yellow like a candle, doesn't lose its beauty.
The boy is crazy. Lifts the girl, puts him in the corner. After that day, the door locks; let anyone in
Put perplexed. He entered his room bye-bye in the afternoon and cried out in the morning.
The boy had a tulip, he watches, this boy turns yellow day by day, does not eat, does not drink.
He wonders. The locksmith makes up a key to the door. One day he comes in. It looks like it's ten
A girl like four, yellow, lies lifeless. But he's not dead. Old man, experienced what
though, understands that this is right. Hands there, hands here. And he'il see something tough in your hand.
Stick a finger, take it out, a gum. At that time, the girl said: “Hapishuuuu, hapishuuuu…
He wakes up, opens his eyes, looks at a bedside stranger.
“Oh, where is this? Where are my brothers? What are my birds? … Lar he starts to cry…
Immediately, Lala runs to his son:
“The gospel, the gospel, Prince, says, your patient is resurrected.”
The prince comes and looks, and the girl is truly resurrected crying… She is now mad from joy.
He immediately sends news to the Forty-Thieves. They also come, rejoice, feast.
Then, Beyoğlu and Nardaniye get married for forty days and forty nights. The son of the brain
girl listens to what happened. He'll bring his father. A black ball from your grief
Beyoğlu asks:
N What's the matter, Daddy? “
“Oh, man says, how can I tell you my problem, helpless trouble…”
Tells you left your daughter on the mountain.
They say, “Why did you do this?. He said:
“Like this, my daughter went for a ride… An accident happened to my honour
ate, he says.
They call the girl. Father and daughter are thrown into each other's neck…
Tell. They leave immediately, bring the maternity. In front of the brain. They tell him:
In Do you want forty lines or forty mules? ”She said:
“Forty lines per enemy, he says. Give me a forty mule and I'll go to the skin. ”
Then they tie her to the tail of forty mules, and strike a whip at forty. Stepmother
also finds the punishment of what they did…
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